Good Afternoon Cow Dog Friends
We are stepping it up a notch this year at the Nevada’s Best Cow Dog Trial to be held in Panaca at the Lincoln County Fair on Thursday morning, August 10, 2017. In addition to being sanctioned by both the National Cattledog Association and the Western Cattle Dog Association, we are adding $1,000.00 cash prize money. We know it is a long ways from your home to Panaca, but we want to encourage you to make that trip.
We offer free breakfast starting at 6:00 a.m. Pacific Time, handler’s meeting is at 7:30 am, and the trial will start at 8:00 a.m. Dry camping is invited on the fairgrounds located east of the community of Panaca. The physical address is 1631 S.R. 319, Panaca 89042
We have attached our information flyer and the entry form. We realize it is six months away, but again, we want you to come to this trial. Plan now, tune your dog, load the wife and kids AND your good dogs. We hope to see you at our Fair in August 2017.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to call Connie Simkins at
775-962-1333 or
Happy Trialing